Day 28 – 19 Apr 19. Zero in Wrightwood
I woke up relatively early for a zero as I wanted to get to Mountain Hardware early to see if they had any shoes left in my size. I arrived there just after 0830 and was relieved to see they did have the shoes I needed. They stock two types of shoes, one was Merrill and one was the Altra Lone Peak that is the most popular trail shoe.
I also decided to get a new set of innersoles. I don’t use the ones that come with the shoe as they wear out quickly. The ones at the shop seemed to be a bit more built up at the arch but there was not other choice. I would carry my old inner soles just in case.
I also stocked up on some other small things and they offered a small gas cylinder for 1 cent.
Next was the bakery for a breakfast burrito and coffee. Both were good.
Now I went to the supermarket for my resupply. The supermarket had a display in a prominent place with all the standard PCT food. They had a good range of everything. They also have some large bins at the exit with various things free to PCT hikers. This included, apple puree sachets, lip balm, deodorant and various other things. The supermarket has also set up an area with tables under sunshades and with a charging station in the corner of their carpark. They had a big banner which I signed.
I headed back to the house and relaxed. Nathan brought a pizza in the afternoon and shared with me which was great. I had been eating grapes so it was nice to have something solid.
I did some repairs; fixing the hole in my gaiters and adding more velcro to my camera case.
I also tried the new gas cannister and it was spurting gas when attaching my stove and when taking it off. The cannister also got really cold. Not happy I decided not to take it. My original cannister still has nearly half the gas left.
Later Bookworm and Trooper arrived and we talked before heading to the Farmers Market set up in the community centre. There was some nice food there so I brought some cookies, strawberries and a Protein Bowel from the Taco truck.
Bookworm, Trooper and Nathan
The rest of the evening was spent talking with Nathan, eating and then finishing my videos and blogs.
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