Day 46 – 5 Aug, 1 km S of Saltfjellstua Hut to Krukkistua Hut
It was nice to be back in my tent and I slept well, except an unusual 0300 toilet requirement. I was trying a new breakfast of a meal replacement powder mixed with water and adding muslea. It was ok but I do miss my normal breakfasts.
As soon as I started walking I knew I had a major problem. My foot was really sore and I was limping badly. Strangely it was not my normal sore part but something different. It was just forward of my outside ankle and also underneath my foot in a really strange place. It was hard to think what it was and why it was hurting. It was very distracting and I was in a lot of pain. My main concern is the limping. I have been fine with the foot hurting a bit over the last few days as it has not caused me to limp but now I was. Once you start limping and are walking long distances it starts a chain reaction of injuries as unusual places start to get strained. I was hoping the pain would reduce when I warmed up but it did not. Luckily there was a hut in 4 km and I decided to stop there and rest my foot.
The trail stayed in the trees above the river and was quite pretty.
As the hill above got steeper I saw a grass roof and was a bit confused as it was too early for the hut and it was not the hut I was thinking but a cute historic hut with huge fireplace, solid table and benches and no beds.
I continued on and the trail dropped almost to the river. The river veered off to the left and the hut was only a little further on. There were three buildings, the old hut, the new hut and the toilets/firewood store.
I went into the new hut. I decided to stay there until lunchtime and reassess if I continued or stayed to rest my foot longer. I couldn’t get the gas elements working so went to the old hut to use that stove. Now armed with a hot drink, peanuts and lollies and set myself up on the couch with pillow to elevate my foot and read. At lunchtime the foot was still sore so I decided I would stay the night. My mood was not good as I was very worried. There was only 20km to get to a road which I could do even with the sore foot but if it was bad enough that I had to see a doctor it was basically the end of my walk. I would be guessing the treatment would be rest and given my timetable that would definitely mean not finishing. I was really hoping this day of rest would help and that I could continue.
I spent the day reading and relaxing.
This hut was cash payment – 150 Kr (approx NZD 27)
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