Day 104 – 4 Jul 19. Independence Day
Today 21.4 km (13.3 mi), Total Distance 2142.5 km (1331.3 mi) 4 hours 20 minutes (0724-1145)
I was excited about today as I was reaching the midway point of the trail. I was on my way quickly continuing the climb up around Mt Butt.
There was a couple of patches of snow and one small traverse but nothing to be concerned about.
Once over the saddle the trail started dropping while going along the side of the hill. It was mainly in the forest but there were a few open bits which allowed views to the right over the pine forests.
I reached the mid way point and took some photos. I reflected on what I had experienced so far on this trail. It seems strange that I am only at the mid way point as it seems like I have experienced so much already.
The desert was unexpectedly beautiful with the added bonus of the super bloom giving colour and variety. The desert included mountains and snow which was a surprise but great. The first section was very social with people from all backgrounds and experiences all bonding over our shared goal of walking the trail.
The next section was about personal challenges and endurance as I tackled the Sierras in a high snow year. The beauty was breath-taking but I had to earn it by negotiating the snowy mountains and high rivers with very little other human contact. I loved the challenge and am so glad I persevered and continued through.
Once through the Sierras it has been about getting clear of the snow and experiencing forests and wildflowers. I have been getting used to others on the trail again.
Now I have another half of the trail to look forward to which I am excited about.
The rest of the day was downhill through the forest until a short flat section before hitting the trail. I got a ride after 15 minutes.
The first priority was food and I had a burger and chips at the Coper Kettle then a quick stop at Dollar General to buy dinner and breakfast before settling in behind the Lutheran Church. They have opened up their back yard to hikers. I met Janice, the lovely lady responsible for this and she is lovely. There were 11 other tents set up so there were lots of hikers to chat to.
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