Detailed Route Planing Finished
I have finished the detailed planning for my route and am looking at just under 2,600 km. This distance is based on google creating routes. The routes smooth out the bends in the track so I think the actual distance will probably be around 2,600km.
You can access the kml file on googgle earth which shows the route, key points and my estimated night stops. Google Earth route and points
I constantly underestimated the distances I thought I would travel on Te Araroa so I was more optimistic this time. I have based my distances on doing 20km per day for the first week and increasing by 5km a day every week until week 5 when I alternate between 35 and 40 km per day. These are averages as it will depend on the day.
By this estimation I will finish on 15 september, 3 days before my visa expires.
The actual maps I will be using are found at this link NPL Maps at scale 1:60 000
The maps are at 1:60 000 scale and I have printed them double sided A4 on waterprooof paper.
Views: 694
I am impressed by your detailed planning. Is his your first time to Norway ?
I visited in 2008 for a couple of weeks as a tourist but have not done any hiking here. I used other peoples blogs (translated from Norwegian and German) too help