Hikes Norge Pa Langs Tramps

The preparation starts

My preparation for Norge Pa Langs is a lot different to what I did for Te Araroa. Back in 2014 I was in Kinshasa in Democratic Republic of Congo and there was limited entertainment so I had heaps of time to dedicate to going through every type of preparation in detail. This time round I have been concentrating on building my campervan and have more entertainment.

The other difference is Te Araroa is a lot more established. Even though the trail only officially opened in 2011 there are some excellent resources. The key resource being topographical maps with the trail marked (even down to km markers) and a detailed notes guide. For Norge Pa Langs (NPL) there is no official route and it has been a challenge figuring out where I will go.

Another challenge to NPL is that not many people do it each year and of those that do and blog, they are either Scandinavian or German and there are very few English language resources. I have also discovered that Google translate is not very good at translating Norwegian.

The list of things to do is worryingly long including; visa, what direction, what route, what equipment, what food, how to resupply, accommodation for rest days, getting there, getting home …


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