NPL Preparation & Gear

Why do Norge Pa Langs Trail

Late last year I was working in Mali and was feeling stressed due to not enjoying my job and the overpopulated living conditions in Bamako. My thoughts started drifting back to the freedom I enjoyed on the Te Araroa Trail and I felt the itch to do another thru hike. I considered Japan but while researching I came across the Norge Pa Langs trail. The advantage of this trail was it’s remoteness and lack of people. Several months on I had resigned and was back in New Zealand building a campervan. While I was more relaxed I still wanted to do a thru hike so I committed to doing Norge Pa Langs starting 20 June in Knivskjelodden near Nordkapp. I booked my tickets and started preparation in mid May.

What is Norge Pa Langs

Norge Pa Langs is not a set route but a journey the length of Norway from the northern most point in the Arctic Circle down to Lindesnes, the most southern point in Norway, or vice versa. The Northern most point is interpreted as one of three different points; Kinnarodden which is the northermost point on the mainland, Nordkapp which is the accessible northern point 4.3 km further north connected by road to the peninsular and Knivskjelodden a further 1430m north but more difficult to access. I am starting at Knivskjelodden.

According to research Norge Pa Langs, which translates to “Norway Lengthwise” was first attempted in 1951 as a relay by Norwegian Boy Scouts on their 40th anniversary. It can be completed during winter by skis or in summer by hiking. The common route actually crosses into Finland and Sweden at places. It varies between 2,k00 to 2,700 km and can take between 3-5 months. The central register lists 392 people since 1951 who have, or will, attempt Norge Pa Langs (I am number 391). Of these 242 appear to have completed it and it is roughly 1 third in winder and 2/3 in summer. Below is a graph showing numbers since 1951 (source This year there are 19 people listed with all bar three already on the trail. One starts in 5 days but is going the opposite way and one starts two weeks after me.

Numbers attempting Norge Pa Langs

Click on the links below for more information about my preparation.

The preparation starts

Getting a Visa

What Direction to Walk

What Route to Take


Resupply Plan

Food – 

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