Bibbulmun Blogs


Day 4 – 23 Jun, near Nordkappen Tunnel to End of Kobbefjorden

(19.5 km total 82km, 5 h 55, 1150 – 1745) Video: Video of Day 4 It started raining at 0200, much harder rain than the previous nights. It was still raining when I woke in the morning so stayed curled in my sleeping bag staying warm and dozing. I had just started reading when IContinue Reading “Day 4 – 23 Jun, near Nordkappen Tunnel to End of Kobbefjorden”


Day 3 – 22 Jun, Grid 4558 78832 to vic Nordkappen Tunnel south end

(22.5km, total 62.5 km, 7h 10, 0950 – 1700) Video: Video of Day 3 It rained again during the night but thankfully it had stopped before I woke up. I had a lazy start and started walking just before 1000. There was a cold wind so I got to wear my homemade windshirt for theContinue Reading “Day 3 – 22 Jun, Grid 4558 78832 to vic Nordkappen Tunnel south end”

Hikes Norge Pa Langs Tramps Uncategorized

Detailed Route Planing Finished

I have finished the detailed planning for my route and am looking at just under 2,600 km. This distance is based on google creating routes. The routes smooth out the bends in the track so I think the actual distance will probably be around 2,600km. You can access the kml file on googgle earth whichContinue Reading “Detailed Route Planing Finished”