Bibbulmun Blogs


Day 40 – 29 Jul, N foot of Jalle to Valtarjakdaien Hills

(37.5 km, total 1075 km, 12h25m, 0700 to 1925). During the night the wind either changed direction or significantly gained strength as it was really shaking the tent. It was cold when I woke with the sun hidden behind the hill. I walked briskly when I started to warm up and I could see theContinue Reading “Day 40 – 29 Jul, N foot of Jalle to Valtarjakdaien Hills”


Day 39 – 28 Jul, Bridge over Mielladno River to N foot of Jalle

(33 km, total 1037.5 km, 10h15m, 0730 to 1845, 1 hr 40 min at Stadajahka taking, 10 min normal break and 1h30 taken off daily total). The sun was streaming into my tent so getting up was easy. I enjoyed the flatbread for breakfast as something different from the porridge I have been having. ItContinue Reading “Day 39 – 28 Jul, Bridge over Mielladno River to N foot of Jalle”


Day 38 – 27 Jul, Hill 1.5km from Vajsaluokastugan Hut to bridge over Mielladno River

(40.5 km, total 1001.5 km, 10h 50m, 0730 to 1820). I woke up to my alarm and after a relaxed start I was away at 0730. The sun was up but not too hot. I was straight into a big climb with a few rest stops to look back at the lake. The climb didContinue Reading “Day 38 – 27 Jul, Hill 1.5km from Vajsaluokastugan Hut to bridge over Mielladno River”


Day 37 – 26 Jul, Unnamed river W of Sarajavre to hill 1.5km from Vajsaluokastugan Hut

(41 km, total 961 km, 12 hours, 0815 to 2115 but with 1 hour stop at Vajsaluktstugan hut which is not being counted). It rained on and off most of the night and I woke to overcast skies but good visibility. My decision to stop early seems to have paid off. It was straight intoContinue Reading “Day 37 – 26 Jul, Unnamed river W of Sarajavre to hill 1.5km from Vajsaluokastugan Hut”


Day 36 – 25 Jul, Skuogejavre Lake to Unnamed river W of Sarajavre

(23 km, total 920km, 8 hours, 0730 to 1930 but with 4 hour stop in hut, only one hour of this is included in daily total as this is normal lunch hour) It had stopped raining in the early hours of the morning and while overcast did not look like raining again. I had noContinue Reading “Day 36 – 25 Jul, Skuogejavre Lake to Unnamed river W of Sarajavre”