Bibbulmun Blogs

Hikes Norge Pa Langs Tramps

Day 51 – 17 Aug, Kvepsendalskooia Shelter to Sauvasshytta Hut

(24km, total 1267 km, 7h 50m, 0810 to 1600) We all started getting up around 0700. I had my normal breakfast of the meal replacement shake, muslea and fresh blueberries and was packed quickly. Before heading in separate directions we took a photo which is a bit more unique than the others. Great bunch ofContinue Reading “Day 51 – 17 Aug, Kvepsendalskooia Shelter to Sauvasshytta Hut”


Day 50 – 16 Aug, Randalselva River to Kvepsendalskooia Shelter

(29km, total 1243 km, 9h, 0920 to 1820) It was raining when I woke up and I had quite a bit of condensation inside my tent. I wiped the inside and had breakfast, enjoying the fresh blueberries to go with it. I packed everything and loaded my tent while still inside and as I gotContinue Reading “Day 50 – 16 Aug, Randalselva River to Kvepsendalskooia Shelter”


Day 49 – 15 Aug, Mo I Rana City then Gravel road 3.5km S of Bolnastua Hut to Randalselva River

(7.5km + non trail 5km, total 1214 km, 2h 20 m, 1610 to 1830) I was excited this morning to pack up and finally get back on the trail. I headed to the mall with a post office in the supermarket and sent my resupply package to Royvik. I weighed my pack and it wasContinue Reading “Day 49 – 15 Aug, Mo I Rana City then Gravel road 3.5km S of Bolnastua Hut to Randalselva River”


Day 48 – 7 Aug, Bolnastua Hut to gravel road 3.5km S of Bolnastua Hut and then Mo I Rana City

(3.5 km, total 1206.5 km, 1h 10 m, 0700 to 0810) It rained continually through most of the night but had stopped when I started walking, though still looked like it would start again. My foot felt very slightly better when I started but quickly got really sore again. I decided to walk the trailContinue Reading “Day 48 – 7 Aug, Bolnastua Hut to gravel road 3.5km S of Bolnastua Hut and then Mo I Rana City”