Bibbulmun Blogs


Day 59 – 25 Aug, Near Dam NW edge of Lake Naamesejenjaevrie to Royrvik

(20 km, total 1510 km, 4h 15m , 0735 to 1150) After the clear skies before I stopped last night I was expecting a nice day but it rained a little during the night and was now overcast and looking like it would rain. My tent was really wet with condensation but after wiping thisContinue Reading “Day 59 – 25 Aug, Near Dam NW edge of Lake Naamesejenjaevrie to Royrvik”


Day 58 – 24 Aug, Lake Store Kjkkelvetnet to Near Dam NW edge of Lake Naamesejenjaevrie

(36 km, total 1490 km, 9h 35m , 1115 to 2050) I woke up to heavy rain and really strong winds and decided I did not want to walk in those conditions so stayed in my nice warm sleeping bag reading. I had thought the weather was clearing last night so was pretty disappointed toContinue Reading “Day 58 – 24 Aug, Lake Store Kjkkelvetnet to Near Dam NW edge of Lake Naamesejenjaevrie”


Day 55 – 21 Aug, Krutvasshytta Hut to Tverrelvnes Accommodation

(21.5km, total 1382 km, 5h 5m, 0730 to 0815, 1200 to 1620) I was awake early so got up and had breakfast before packing up and giving the hut a good clean and sweep. I seems it hasn’t had a full sweep for a while. It was really cold and I needed my gloves andContinue Reading “Day 55 – 21 Aug, Krutvasshytta Hut to Tverrelvnes Accommodation”


Day 54 – 20 Aug, Near Bridge over Storelva River to Krutvasshytta Hut

(31km, total 1360.5km, 9h, 0820 to 1720) I had a very restless sleep and my legs were letting me know they were not happy with the distance covered yesterday. Also it took a long time for my sleeping bag to warm up and I had to keep my head covered as it was cold. ItContinue Reading “Day 54 – 20 Aug, Near Bridge over Storelva River to Krutvasshytta Hut”


Day 53 – 19 Aug, Grasfjellkoia Shelter to Near Bridge over Storelva River

(41km, total 1329.5 km, 11h 50m, 0910 to 2200, 2 hours at hut, one hour talking is not included in total time) The rain did not stop all night and I had a little fight with myself about whether to stay in the nice warm hut or venture out into the cold wind and rain.Continue Reading “Day 53 – 19 Aug, Grasfjellkoia Shelter to Near Bridge over Storelva River”