Bibbulmun Blogs


Day 68 – 3 Sep, Between Haisfjellet and Steinkleivfjellet to Klukselva Stream

(34 km, total 1795 km, 11h 25m, 0735 to 1900) I woke to beautiful clear skies and the sun was just coming up as I woke. I enjoyed the view while having breakfast but was still ready a lot quicker than the last few days. It was warm and no need for my gloves thisContinue Reading “Day 68 – 3 Sep, Between Haisfjellet and Steinkleivfjellet to Klukselva Stream”


Day 67 – 2 Sep, 500m S of Bellinstua Hut to Between Haisfjellet and Steinkleivfjellet

(36 km, total 1761 km, 11h 5m, 0750 to 1855) It rained very lightly a couple of times in the night but not for long. Once again my morning routine was slow. It was a little warmer this morning which was nice, though I had my gloves on until nearly 0900. Today was overcast andContinue Reading “Day 67 – 2 Sep, 500m S of Bellinstua Hut to Between Haisfjellet and Steinkleivfjellet”


Day 66 – 1 Sep, 1 km SE of Skaekerdalshytta to 500m S of Bellinstua Hut

(31.5 km, total 1725 km, 11h 15m, 0730 to 1845) I had another interrupted sleep and it seemed like I woke up every time I wanted to turn over. Part of that is because it was really cold and when I moved cold air tried to sneak into my sleeping bag. The good thing isContinue Reading “Day 66 – 1 Sep, 1 km SE of Skaekerdalshytta to 500m S of Bellinstua Hut”


Day 65 – 31 Aug, Roktdalen Valley to 1 km SE of Skaekerdalshytta

(36.5 km, total 1693.5 km, 11h, 0800 to 1900) It rained on and off during the night but stopped in the early morning. The slight wind had died down during the night and it was cold during the night so I ended up with condensation again. I was really slow this morning taking 1 ½Continue Reading “Day 65 – 31 Aug, Roktdalen Valley to 1 km SE of Skaekerdalshytta”


Day 63 – 29 Aug, S of Grubbfjonna Lake to 3km East of Snasa

(39 km, total 1629 km, 11h 40 min, 0745 to 1915, 2030 to 2040) I had another bad sleep, waking frequently. I thought the previous night poor sleep may have been due to my location but last night I was in a nice hidden spot so that is not it. My morning routine was aContinue Reading “Day 63 – 29 Aug, S of Grubbfjonna Lake to 3km East of Snasa”