Bibbulmun Blogs


Day 6 -28 Mar 19. Hills and Flats on the way to Julian

Today 18.3 km (11.14mi), Total Distance 124.1 km (77.1 mi). 4 hours 35 minutes 0725-1200) I woke up any early because my neighbours were having conversation at 0600 and started to get ready shortly after. I lay there for a little while but then decided the sooner I go to up the sooner I couldContinue Reading “Day 6 -28 Mar 19. Hills and Flats on the way to Julian”


Day 3 – 25 Mar 2019. Wet Feet, Long Lunch and great Views

21.1 km (13.1 mi), Total Distance 58.1 km (36.1 mi). 7 hours 30 minutes (0815-1545) I had a restless night, probably because of the snoring and restless turning. People had always said the mattresses were noisy but as I had never slept near someone with one I had never experienced it. I also confirmed thatContinue Reading “Day 3 – 25 Mar 2019. Wet Feet, Long Lunch and great Views”

Pacific Crest Trail

The fun of PCT Preparation

One of the fun parts of doing a thru hike is all the planning that happens before taking the first step. I love researching and organising and a new thru hike gives plenty of opportunity to indulge in these activities. The PCT is a well established and popular trail so there is a wealth ofContinue Reading “The fun of PCT Preparation”