
Live PCT Question & Answer on YouTube – schedule is confirmed

The Question and Answer live video will take place on Thu 10 Oct at 8 pm (PDT, USA West Coast Tine) which is GMT-7 and in New Zealand Time this is on Fri 11 Oct at 4 pm. Sorry for the timing Kiwis but the bulk of people sre from USA so the time needed to suit them.

This will be a live video on YouTube where people can ask questions about my PCT experience, hiking in general and future adventures. I will then answer.

To participate go to the link below and ask your questions by comment or chat. I will try to record and post later but no guarantees, it is my first livestream.

YouTube live Q&A link

Views: 1915

12 thoughts on “Live PCT Question & Answer on YouTube – schedule is confirmed”

  1. Hi Restless Kristine,

    We’re a Hamilton couple who’ve followed your PCT blog this year with huge interest – well done, we loved all the info you shared, and so impressed with your achievement. So we got a permit this week, and we’re hitting the PCT next year! Have just watched your Q&A, and hear you trip around in your campervan – if you’re passing through Hamilton or the Waikato and feel like talking to us, we’d love to meet.

    1. Hi Vicky. Thanks for your lovely comments. Great to hear you are doing PCT. What date did you get? I will probably be heading to the North island early next year so I will add Hamilton to my itinerary. I grew up there but haven’tbeen back, less passing through on Te Araroa. Can you send me an email so we can get in contact (RestlessKiwiAdventures@gmail.com) That way you can ask questions as anytime.

  2. Hey Kiwi! I am going to miss your live chat tonight because it will be 11 PM on the east coast of the US.
    Do you know if it will be available in a transcript or recording after the broadcast has concluded? I was hoping to ask you to discuss how you may have worked in rest stops and or stretching as you hiked. Also would like tips on how best to deal with wet clothing and gear. I always try to keep the wet separate from the dry and my system isn’t particularly effective.
    I was surprised when I learned you had a number of days with very little appetite. Did you ever decide what may have caused that?

    1. Hi Darlene. The Q&A session is now uploaded on YouTube. For rest stops I stopped every couple of hours for the first few weeks as I got my trail fitness. Then it was roughly three planned stops a day with mid morning, lunch and mid afternoon stops. Also if there was a nice view I would stop for a bit to absorb it. For the last few weeks I only stopped for lunch (30-45 min) and water filtering. Stretching was every few hours as I got my tail legs then none unless I started to get a niggle somewhere. Wet clothing never enters my tent. I hang it up on my line at the front of my tent or hang on my pack under the tent awning. I accept if it is raining it is not likely to dry so just put it on wet the next day. I do not try and dry by putting under/in my sleeping bag as I want to be warm and comfortable in my bag and having wet clothes inside doesn’t fit that. The lack of appetite is still a mystery.

      1. Watched the Q&A. Great idea. Thanks for your answers to my questions before the live chat. You are so generous with your time. Looking forward to your future videos. I will be rooting for your mum on her adventure with you.
        With gratitude,

  3. Just watched your 2 summary videos of the PCT. I can’t think you enough for all the work and effort you put into getting your journey and STATS(!) put into such an amazingly helpful and informative format! What an accomplishment! I look forward to following your future journeys. You are an inspiration.

      1. Hello, assuming you are still reading comments, but this is more of a question for my own thru hike of the PCT.

        You carried an umbrella, would you recommend using one? You also carried paper maps, which ones? Do you recommend paper maps?


        1. Hi Dennis. I am a fan of umbrellas. I carried a special desert one until Kennedy Meadows but it wasnt hot because of my early start so I only used it once but was glad I had it. In hindsight my nirmal travel umbrella would have been fine for the desert section and less annoying to carry as it was smaller. I then swapped it for a compact travel umbrella which did get some use and I never regretted the weight. It is much more pleasant walking with an umbrella than having rain drumming on my head.

          I carried the Special PCT forestry service maps ordered through PCTA for the first section to Warner springs. The next sections maps were lost in the mail and I didn’t bother to replace them. I then printed Halfmile’s maps for the sierra section and through to Lake Tahoe so I could navigate through the snow. From there I didnt bother with paper maps as the trail was pretty obvious and I used the Guthook app.

        2. Further to my last I do recommend paper maps if you are going through an area where snow could be covering the snow and you will be alone. If you are with others there is less of a chance of all phones having issues so backup to the phone is not needed.

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